
02 September 2011

Old friend

Our "new" home as offered us some additional space, and when we moved in I was quick to claim part of it as my "studio." I'm able to keep a keyboard set-up, which means I'm able to play it more. Which has led me to an interesting realization that I write and sing very differently with piano than I do with a guitar.

When I first started writing music all I had was a piano so naturally all my songs were written with piano in mind. Sometime in high school, my parents gave me the best gift I have probably ever received--a guitar. From that point on, in high school and college and post-college endeavors the guitar was the accompaniment. It was accessible, portable and it seemed that more people played it, at least in college. Late night jam sessions just work better with 6 guitars than with 6 pianos.

Now that I have the space, the time and a great fascination with home recording, I find myself gravitating back toward the piano as primary accompaniment. And not that I ever really "learned" to play it properly, it's amazing how much a part of me the instrument really is. Most of my teenage angst and questions and heartache was expressed through piano music and lyrics. That expression has been missing in my life for a long time.

All this to say, as I continue to share photos and written words that mean something to me, I will include songs. Maybe just the words, but maybe some complete recordings.

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