
05 December 2011

Damn that snow!

Addendum to previous post.

What was that I just wrote about pulling the kids around in the sled on our snow covered lawn? Not one hour after I wrote that piece I'm out pulling the kids on a sled through said "deep snow." As I grab the rope, I start to run, backwards now so I can watch Margo's delight as I pull her thirty pounds effortlessly across the snow. Perhaps too effortlessly. My backwards plod in new Sorel boots were no match for the cold iron ring of the fire pit, hidden by a layer of freshly fallen snow. Aside from dumbfounded kids getting their first lesson in fallibility, what was I left with? A torn glove, a few lacerations, a badly sprained hand and wrist, and a good reminder to check one's blind spot.

1 comment:

Lynn Baumert said...

I wouldn't put it past Margo to throw you in the sled and pull you to the house for first aid.